AWS Security GameDay Thailand

Bill Hegazy
3 min readOct 7, 2021


We had the opportunity to join the 1st AWS Security Game Day Thailand, this was my first time attending any AWS GameDay and also representing Omise. The AWS Game Day was a virtual event (since we are in COVID time), I can tell you the event was extremely fun.

What Is AWS Security GameDay?

Game Day is a fun, gamified, hands-on learning exercise that tests skills in implementing AWS solutions to solve real-world problems, this specific event was focused on security, by implementing security solutions to prevent common hacking attacks.

The Game Day participants will also have to create and manage logging and monitoring to discover how the attacks are happening and by who. This security GameDay is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn and challenge themselves.

Cool Any Prize For Winners 🤑 ?

This time 1st winner team will get an Echo Show 2021 😍 per member of the team.


The GameDay is the 1st AWS Security Game Day that is hosted virtually in Thailand, many people joined the event from different companies.

Many members from Omise Engineering, Infrastructure, and Security participated, we were grouped randomly by the AWS team, each team have between 3-4 members from Omise.

The Event Setup

At the beginning of the event, each team gets access to the AWS cloud environment via AWS Console and API. Each team also gets access to Team Dashboard where you can access the global scoreboard, score events, and security modules that need to be solved.

Each security module has a readme link, that explains the security scenario and what is needed to be done to get the scores.

Security Modules

Since this is an AWS Security GameDay, the modules are focused on mostly AWS security services, the key services are AWS Secrets Manager, GuardDuty, Config, Inspector, IAM Access Analyzer, RDS, EC2 Image Builder, and AWS Lambda, the modules are:

  • Inspector with image builder module
  • Event-Driven security module
  • Secrets manager module
  • Secure database module with AWS Config
  • IAM access analyzer module

How to acquire points?

The screenshot is taken from the AWS presentation showing the points for each module.

This year points

Trophy Time

Not only that we had so much fun but I’m pleased to say that my team at Omise Morpheus secured the 1st prize!!!

Final Scoreboard showing all teams score

AWS GameDay Tips

  • Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork: Don’t try to do everything by yourself, trust your team members, and split modules to each member.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller

  • Treat it like its production: In the real world there are no score points!
  • RTFM: Read the README carefully: everything is there, just need to read it carefully.
  • The most important tip I can give is to have fun and enjoy the Game Day


The AWS Game Day was fun, I recommend it to anyone who likes troubleshooting, solve complex issues and learn more about AWS services.

I would like to thank the AWS team for organizing the event, my team Morpheus and Omise for supporting us.

