10 Announcements from AWS re:Invent 2021 You Might Have Missed

Bill Hegazy
4 min readDec 12, 2021

In this post, I wanted to share 10 announcements from AWS re:Invent that many might have missed.

There were many announcements this year at re:Invent 2021 from AWS, most notable announcements were 5G, New Sustainability Pillar for AWS Well-Architected Framework, and other related to AI/MI.

1. AWS Cloud WAN

AWS Cloud WAN helps you with a global view and single point of control using a centralized dashboard and monitoring, the network can include your on-premises data-centers and AWS VPC’s in different AWS Regions, I’m curious to learn more about Cloud WAN and are there any limitations that we might face.

2. AWS DevOps Guru For RDS

AWS DevOps Guru for RDS uses ML to automatically identify and analyze performance-related database issues with AWS Aurora, the service also recommends solutions to remediate the issues it finds.

3. AWS Cloudwatch RUM

It’s nice to see AWS adding more and improving AWS Cloudwatch, with the introduction of Cloudwatch real-user monitoring (RUM) you can perform real user monitoring to collect and view client-side data about your web application performance from actual users sessions.

4. General Availability of AWS CDK v2 & Construct Hub

AWS CDK V2 mainly focuses on productivity improvements for developers working with CDK projects and the Construct Hub is a single place to share construct libraries across all CDKs (aws cdk, cdk8s, and cdktf)

5. AWS re:Post

AWS re:Post is a new question and answer (Q&A) service that is driven by the community, it’s like StackOverFlow for AWS, the users can also link their AWS certifications to their profile to indicate interests in specific AWS technology domains. If it’s production or time-sensitive issues and you have an AWS support subscription, open a support case instead😀.

6. AWS Graviton3 processors C7g instance

The Graviton3 will be equipped with DDR5 memory which delivers 50% higher bandwidth than the DDR4 memory used in the current generation and C7g instances will offer up to 30 Gbps of network bandwidth.

7. Karpenter Open-Source High-Performance Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler

Karpenter is an interesting announcement from AWS, as this new service replaces the popular Cluster Autoscaler, the key difference is Karpenter will look at the pods themselves and see what the pods needs and how it can best fit that into a new instance instead of just scale up new instance like what Cluster Autoscaler currently does.

8. AWS ECR Pull Through Cache Repositories

With this new feature, you can pull any public docker images to your private ECR, no more docker pull then docker push to AWS ECR so that the docker image can be used within the AWS account, at the same time Docker also announced that official Docker images are now on public Amazon ECR.

9. New AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform

I mentioned AWS Control Tower before in my post 3 Ways to Manage Access to Multi-Account AWS environment but what if we are using Terraform, how can we leverage AWS Control Tower? this is where this new announcement is important for Terraform users such as me.

You can learn more on how to start from this detailed post from AWS.

10. AWS Redshift Serverless

If you are a fan of Google BigQuery and serverless in general, you will be very happy that AWS Redshift is now offering a Serverless option, currently AWS Redshift Serverless is available only in a few regions and it’s in public preview.

Over to you

Which announcements from AWS re:Invent excited you the most? I’m curious to know also which new services or features you are ready to try out? Let me know in the comments.

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